Sex position #361. Kinky spider

Comprar Sex Position #361. Kinky Spider


This sex position is super fun to try it, so include it in your must-do list. Rather than typical in-and-out thrusting, the Kinky spider lets partners please each other with grinding and circular motions. The male partner sits at the edge of the bed, fully climbing it. He gets down on his back and arches his back as if he is going into bridge-shaped position. He keeps with hips level with the rest of the body and braces himself with his arms on the bed. The woman is located opposite him on the bed. She rests one of her feet on the partner’s shoulder, slips the other leg under his knee and lowers it to the floor to touch the surface with the tips of her toes. She takes her arms back to balance her body in this super fun to try sex position.


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